Fish Creek-Lower Branch
L1-Old Hermit Park Branch Merger
L2A-Railroad 1 Downstream
L2B-Railroad 1 Upstream
L3A-30th & Brookside Downstream
L3B-30th & Brookside Upstream
L4A-Bridge 1 Downstream
L4B-Bridge 1 Eastbound
L4C-Bridge 1 Upstream
L4D-Bridge 1 Westbound
L5A-Bridge 2 Downstream
L5B-Bridge 2 Southbound
L5C-Bridge 2 Upstream
L5D-Bridge 2 Northbound
L5E-McRae Downstream
L5F-McRae Ustream
L5G-Turnagain Downstream
L5H-Turnagain Upstream
L6A-Bridge 3 Downstream
L6B-Bridge 3 Westbound
L6C-Bridge 3 Upstream
L6D-Bridge 3 Eastbound
L7A-Fish Creek Park Upstream
L7B-Girl Scouts Upstream
L7C-Turnagain Arts Upstream
L8A-Lake Spenard Outflow at Creek
L8B-Lake Spenard Outflow at Lake
L9A-Spenard Tunnel Upstream
L9B-Spenard Tunnel Upstream
L9C-Spenard Tunnel Upstream
L10-NAPA Store Upstream
L11A-Holiday Inn Express Downstream
L11B-Holiday Inn Express Downstream
L11C-Holiday Inn Express Downstream
L11D-Holiday Inn Express Upstream
L12A-Northwood Park Downstream
L12B-Northwood Park Downstream
L12C-Northwood Park Downstream
L13A-Red Bridge Downstream
L13B-Red Bridge Northbound
L13C-Red Bridge Upstream
L13D-Red Bridge Southbound
L14A-Trail Culvert Downstream
L14B-Trail Culvert Eastbound
L14C-Trail Culvert Upstream
L14D-Trail Culvert Westbound
L15-Tudor & Taft Downstream
L16A-Railroad 2 Downstream
L16B-Railroad 2 Upstream
L17-Minnesota Downstream
L18-Minnesota Upstream
L19A-Chugach Downstream
L19B-Chugach Downstream
L19C-Chugach Downstream
L20A-Chugach Upstream
L20B-Chugach Upstream
L20C-Chugach Upstream
L21A-L and L Downstream
L21B-L and L Upstream